Win people with the theory of human temperaments

Success lies in human temperaments. No matter what you do, you have to sell your knowledge, skills, your particular qualities and/ or experience to grab success. Sometimes in business and profession, one needs to handle marketing activity with your own or through a salesman, so you need to be an expert in salesmanship.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.”
- Warren Buffett

Types of human temperaments

First, let's know about the types of human temperaments. Temperament theory found its roots in the ancient theory of humorism. Greek physician-developed it in medical theory after that Galen researched it and named these four temperaments. The nature of each one is different. Its behavior, habits, choices also differ. First, get recognized which type of personality you already have. With each type of temperament, different approaches have to be adopted to make perfect repo with friends, customers even with relatives too. The most crucial problem is of understanding between the couple after the marriage could also be improved if the couple understands each other's personality in advance.  If one understands the human temperaments it will be easy to deal with everyone. Learn this as early as possible. Even I say this should become a part of education in early college years in all universities. With this theory, students will be more familiar with real-life understanding with each other. Marketers can improve convincing power and understand the nature of their customers to supply them with a perfect product. So let’s see,

Sanguine types of human temperament are featured as extroverted and sociable. Even their nature is frank, talkative, enthusiastic, optimistic, and active. Sanguines enjoys being part of a crowd; they like to be heard by teammates. They lack the skill of initiative. They are mostly tension free and humorous by nature. Mostly, Sanguines are not experts in managing emergencies and so get confused. They don't like to stay ideal. While speaking with each other, watching Youtube channels, or hearing music Sanguines like to complete their task.
For example, if you ask Sanguine Let's go for a vacation? They suddenly feel charged and will say let’s go..yippee!

Must follow rules for Sanguine
1. Make use of your sociability to increase your network.
2. Follow a schedule.
3. Resist yourself from wasting time on non-useful task.
4. Don’t punish yourself with the extra workload.
5. Take a short break to improve productivity.
6. Take the initiative.

“Once you start working on something, don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest.”-Chanakya

Strategies to deal with Sanguine people
1. Speak a little bit energetically and enthusiastically.
2. To convince them, describe how you can enjoy and grow with this work/ job/ product/ plan.
3. First, listen to Sanguines then react.
4. Encourage them to lead.
5. Give them tasks with priority lists and allow some break in between.

Best carrier options for Sanguines
Marketing, sales, travel, fashion, entertainment, cooking or sports.

Cholerics are born leaders. These types of human temperaments are also featured as extroverted and sociable. They are self-confident as well as self-reliant. This temperament is better described as futuristic, goal-oriented, competitive, and ambitious. They motivate others to accomplish the given task. Strong initiative, practical thinking, and quick decision-making ability make them special. They keep thinking about the future and make themselves busy all the time. Sometimes Cholerics are sensitive, short-tempered. Most of the time they take success for granted.
For example, if you ask Cholerics Lets go for a vacation? They will think and ask When to go? Where to go? Which is the place of stay? Will think and take an immediate decision about whether to go or not.

Must follow rules for Cholerics
1. Listen to your teammates and reply to everyone while managing your temper.
2. Take breaks between work.
3. Respect others as they may be choleric too.
4. Stay as social as possible in a simple living style. Remember people follow you.
5. The most important one, lead the team and follow your dream; don’t stop because of anyone.

 “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” -Mother Teresa

Strategies to deal with Choleric people
1. The first one is to listen to and respect the Cholerics view.
2. Be prepared before you meet Cholerics and don’t forget to raise your view at the right time only.
3. If you want to convince them, make a customized and exclusive plan.
4. Be polite, don’t hurt their ego.

Best carrier options for Cholerics
Management, business, technology, statistic, engineering, programming, business, politics, security.

Melancholies are known as thinkers. These types of human temperaments are featured as introverted and thoughtful. They tend to be a serious, punctual, talented, self-sacrificing, organized, perfectionist, analytical, and detail as well as research-oriented. They try to avoid being singled out in a crowd. They like to play alone. They are creative in art, music, literature. They dug deep for their interest because of detail-oriented behavior. They deeply love and care for others because of this sometimes they feel helpless. More expectations from life partners, boss or employees make them depressed. They are sensitive but a good friend to be.
For example, if you ask Melancholies Lets go for a vacation? They will reply like this, Why to go? Is it necessary? Let me find out the place. What if we do not get accommodation? In short, they will not convey yes or no immediately.

Must follow rules for Melancholics
1. Follow your dream but give time to your family, friends, and colleagues.
2. Complete one task at a time.
3. Take quick decisions.
4. Try to be social.
5. Don’t be anxious about what you said as most of the time you are right.
6. Why criticize others if they are not perfect. Teach them the perfect way.

Strategies to deal with Melancholic people
1. Show that you trust them.
2. Admire Melancholics research.
3. If you want to convince them, describe direct main features, reviews,
and benefits of your product/ plan.
4. Show them products/plans in person.
5. Let Melancholics feel that you are Mr. Perfectionist and punctual.

Best carrier options for Melancholics
Art, music, research, accounting, medical, doctors, nursing, law, engineering, teaching, and administration.


Phlegmatics are known as the watcher. Interestingly, these individuals are relaxed, peaceful, shy, quiet, easy-going, and lazy. Sometimes extra attentive, sometimes careless. They love steadiness, non-interfering, indecisiveness. They are kind, balanced, reserved, slow movers, and moody. Phlegmatic individuals also are good at compromising, accepting life as it is. They are neither ready for change nor satisfied. They focus on others' life more than their own. They are rest lovers. They are selfish, uninvolved, passive, etc. They are most obedient. 
For example, if you ask Phlegmatic Let's go for a vacation? Then they will ask, Is it compulsory to go? , When will we return?, Make all arrangements then call me.

Must follow rules for Phlegmatic
1. Avoid multitasking.
2. Go slow but keep consistency.
3. Show activeness in the task you take.
4. Avoid peeping into others' life.
5. Accept changes in life.
6. Try to raise your viewpoint on some issues.

Strategies to deal with Phlegmatic people
1. Praise their steadiness.
2. Guide them on how to achieve life goals with peace and least effort.
3. Encourage and motivate them to complete the task as soon as possible.
4. Speak about how peoples grab success so you can also.
5. If you want to impress Phlegmatics just inform them how the product/ plan will lead to a comfortable living.
Best carrier options for Phlegmatic
Office work, assistant, nursing, teaching, psychology or counseling, child development, social and civil services.

Besides this, there are combinations of these four. They are featured with two temperament mixes. Following are those

  • More Sanguine less Choleric, More Sanguine less Melancholic, More Sanguine less Phlegmatic
  • More Choleric less Sanguine, More Choleric less Melancholic, More Choleric less Phlegmatic
  • More Melancholic less Choleric, More Melancholic less Sanguine, More Melancholic less Phlegmatic
  • More Phlegmatic less Choleric, More Phlegmatic less Melancholic, More Phlegmatic less Sanguine

First, learn to recognize your own temperament than others with this theory. After that, change your treatment with others to win the game.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay