How to set goals and achieve it

How to set goals and achieve it

Do you really know what do you want to achieve by the end of this year? Is your work objective crystal clear? Where is your TO-DO-LIST?
You will require goals if you want to succeed. Without goals, you will remain confused about whether you accept them or not. Goals provide you focus and a path. It will help you to find milestones and show you the runway of success.
To achieve your goals, you need to know how to set, plan, and track them. There is a big difference between dreaming and accomplishing goals. There is a step by step techniques one needs to follow.
Here are the techniques to set and achieve goals.

Phase I- Goal setting and planning

1.  Define, write and set the goals

The goals you are setting must be valuable for you. Because if goals are irrelevant, they will not encourage you, to keep moving. Also, goals should be measurable, specific, attainable, time-bound, and important. 

"No one is able to destroy the time. In fact, only time has the power to destroy you.” - HONKING SUCCESS

First, pen down all your goals with the year when you want to accomplish them. Writing the goals keeps you remind about them. Then divide it into the following steps.

Yearly goals
Quarterly goals
Monthly goals
Weekly goals
Daily goals

Goals Examples: 

If you decided to write a book of 12 chapters in the year; that means 3 chapters quarterly, 1 chapter in a month, write some part in a week, and some point in a day.

2. Manage your day with the time-blocking method

If you want to do multitasking, think twice.  As per the Time-blocking method, divide your day into different blocks of particular hours. Each block contained a specific work or group of works. Instead of trying all work at a time, make a list of tasks and fix the most important task in the morning block, then fix the time for lunch. In the afternoon give time for meetings, calls, emails, etc. After that, prepare the next day’s plan, then give time for reading and exercise. End your day with your family. 
Prioritizing your task list in advance is the key point of this method. Before planning time blocking, prepare a worklist, and then fix the time for each block. Don’t forget to take a weekly review and then schedule it for the next week. At the end of the day think about today's tasks. Find out incomplete tasks and adjust them to the next day's time-blocking schedule. If you fix the time block for the whole week, then you won't have to make planning for each day’s important tasks, separately, you just have to follow it.


This is an example of a single day‘s time-blocking method. In the weekly time-blocking method, prepare a schedule for the whole week. Time blocking is a simple, yet effective way to take back control of your work effectively. It has similarities with time boxing, task batching, and day-theming method of time management. That’s why; this method is used by Bill Gates and Elon Musk. It is said that 20-25 percent of the time is saved with this method.

Phase II- Goal tracking and achieving.

3. Track your achievements and goals

Once our goals have been set and we have planned for it; then it's time to track our goals. It is possible with the support of the journal, Google Calendar, iPod, sticky notes, Habitbull app. It is necessary to remind our subconscious mind that which kind of goals we had set, on which stage we are now and where we have to go?

4. Keep your phone aside

Our phone is becoming our biggest enemy. We spend hours on social media and gaming. Man invented phones to help themselves and control the task, but now the phone is controlling us. We are spending countless hours on this stupid phone. It is very important to use a phone only for our contact, growth, study, research, and learning something new, not for the useless thing.

5. Don’t beg for support

Don't search for support and help. If your relatives, your friends, and your neighbors’ are not supporting your goals; they don't think about it. Our good wishers always think good for us, they don't want us to struggle. Fight with your problems. If you defined your goals, now it's up to you, how and when to achieve them. After achieving your goals all these will praise you automatically.

“When God believes in you, you will be blessed with problems.”- HONKING SUCCESS

6. Don't wait for continuous motivation

Don't think that to work, to play, or to perform; you need motivation. Just concentrate on your goal. Your discipline, passion, and regular hard work will give you motivation. Motivation is like petrol for a car; it finishes after some distance. So, learn to motivate yourself with your performance.

7. Don't ever stop working on your goals

The easiest thing in the world is a distraction. Once you had taken a decision; then complete it at any cost, don't give up. It will take time to show the results to you and will require even more time to show the world. So, keep moving daily.
The bigger the goal, the harder it will be.


If you want to succeed, goal setting is the key. Goals will motivate you and your colleagues. If you achieve your goals you will see the world with positivity. Thus, goals are known as confidence and satisfaction builder.

So, what is your goal for this year? 
Image source: pixabay